Well, for the first time since we started school, we are actually taking only one class at a time. No Physician's Core, and no Preceptor - hooray! While this class isn't easy, we've heard from the second-years that it's easiER (read: more manageable) because of the fact that we don't have another class hanging over our heads, or any other obligations. An end-of-the-year present to the med students from the people who make our curriculum.
Well, my response to that is: LIES.
They make us believe they are doing us a favor by giving us only "one" class to focus on. Why is that in quotes? Because Mind, Brain, and Behavior is 100% two classes hiding under the guise of one misleading title.
The first class is neuroscience (encompassing neuro-anatomy and neuro-physiology), and the second is psychology. Let me present to you the evidence that these are in fact two completely separate courses.
Exhibit A: We now have 5-6 hours of lecture a day, up from 2-3 during physiology. Double the lectures because of double the courses? You decide.
Exhibit B: Two completely different sets of professors for the two classes.
And, Exhibit C, the most damning piece of evidence: They are color-coded differently on the master schedule - neuroscience yellow, psychology green. Different colors = different courses. Any Type-A, obsessive-compulsive schedule-maker knows that.

So while it is definitely nice to be done for the year with all the fun doctor-y classes, I would just like all our med school administrators to know that you're not fooling anyone - we see right through you, and we know that we are still taking two classes right now. Hoodwinked, my butt. We know what's up.
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