Friday, January 14, 2011

Med School Toys Part II

Watch out everyone, I have a stethoscope and I am sure at some point in the near-ish future I won't be afraid to use it!

As some already know, I had a huge moral dilemma trying to decide what color to get. You can order a stethoscope in more than FIFTEEN colors!!! Ok, maybe "moral" is not the right adjective, but it did feel like a big deal. I was deciding between purple, hunter green, and the new "pearl pink" (pictured), but decided at the last minute to go with classic black. Not only will it match everything, but I think I'll have a better chance of being taken seriously as a doctor. Unfortunately, I am no Elle Woods - plus, patients and older physicians seeing me as mature and put-together is probably almost as important as actually knowing all my stuff. And I certainly don't need anything working against me in the look-at-me-as-an-adult category.

Here is a picture of me with my new stethoscope and my less-than-new scrubs and white coat (well, me if I was 2-D, headless and handless, and lying on the floor of my dorm room). Do I look like a doctor, or what?

But wait, there's more! Soon I'll have my very own ophthalmoscope and otoscope which of course begs the question - once I have all the equipment, do I even need to keep going to class, or can you just start calling me doctor now?


  1. i dont know what those words mean but i'm hoping you can tell me when i have strep. plus ive been calling you doctor for years now.

  2. that's true, you've always had faith in my medical skills, even when i had none. i'll probably be able to pretend i can tell when you have strep more easily now!

  3. I think you should have a back up purple stethoscope!

  4. i think so too! everyone needs two just in case...
