Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's Not Exactly Rocket Science

Not to be a cranky-pants or anything, but wahhhhh.  Tomorrow I start neurosurgery.

For our psych/neuro rotation we have four weeks of psychiatry (two rotations of two weeks each) and four weeks of neurology (same deal).  So, like everything else in third year med school, you ranked which sites you wanted, and you were assigned via lottery.  I ranked neurosurgery last last last (other options included stroke, general neurology, and pediatric neurology).  Eight weeks of waking up between 3:30 and 4 was more than enough for me - plus I'm pretty positive that neurosurgery is not what I want to do in life (seven years of residency? no thank you).

I'm tryinggggggg to look on the bright side (although anyone who's talked to me all weekend knows I've been pretty unsuccessful at that).  Neurosurgery is going to be cool, right??  I'll get to see inside the brain!  How many people get to say they've done that?  And the residents and attendings I'll work with I'm sure will be incredibly smart and accomplished people, and hopefully I can learn a lot from them.  Also, it's only two weeks long, and unlike the actual surgery rotation, I won't have any overnight or weekend call.  AND labor day falls in the middle, so I get next Monday off. :)

But who knows?  Maybe I'll fall in love with neurosurgery, decide I'm willing to give up every other aspect of my life to pursue it, and then I could be like this guy...

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