I have been the worst blog updater ever this summer. I have good reason though. My life has been very, very boring - unless everyone wanted to hear what books I've been reading (so far, Kenneth Davis's Don't Know Much About Mythology and Michelle and James Nevius' A Streetwise History of NYC: Inside the Apple), or more details about my MCAT class, or how late I sleep (around 9-9:30), or what I eat...
You get the picture. I'm boring.
That is soon to change though! Tomorrow (reallllllll early) I leave for Ecuador for a month! I'm going with a friend from school, and we'll be living in Quito, taking Spanish classes, and shadowing physicians in a hospital/clinic in the city.
I have no idea what my internet situation will be like - so I can't promise Tuesday and Friday updates. But I can promise interesting updates when they do come! So make sure you check back every so often - or follow me on twitter @elenawelt where I'll be letting the whole world (all 60 of my followers, half of which are spam) know when I post.

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